E Mechanic Tech Labs’ BI & Analytics as a service allows the clients to utilize our BI & Analytics specialists to advance their analytic complexity level and create latest possibilities for their business organization.
Analytics is a journey not a destination. In order to be effective with corporate analytics, you require to evolve them as your business evolves and grows. Our specialists team data scientists, data warehouse designers, report design, and analytics analysts guides the organisation through its analytics evolution. Align strategies with analytics execution by supporting specialists at a fraction of cost of hiring own analytics team.
How do you advanced the analytics story once your implementation has gone live and the specialists have left the building? E Mechanic Tech Labs answer is to offer BI & Analytics as a service, where specialists are available to you on a fractionalized basis per month to build upon business intelligence you have started. Haven’t started yet? There is no problem, we can get you started quickly with our Data Insights Solution.
We work with you to determine reporting and analytical requirements each month. Whether it is developing additional descriptive analytics or starting down the road of predictive and prescriptive analytics. Our team of data warehouse, visualization & data scientists are ready for the next value-added analytics project. As your business shifts – we are there at every step of the method to ensure you to make accurate decisions and gain competitive merits.
Understanding how mature your organisations analytics will assist in understanding what and where you require to invest to move from an ad-hoc to extensive maturity level. E Mechanic Tech Labs has developed a maturity assessment that will guide you to determine where your organisation sits across multiple categories such as governance, organization, infrastructure, data management and analytics.
D-42, 43/1 Yadav Nagar,
Delhi, India - 110042
(91) 76 78 67 1714
(91) 99 90 90 6342
EMechanic Tech labs is one of the fastest growing software development firm promoted, managed, and led by young IT entrepreneurs who has delivered out of box innovative IT products. Team EMechanic is able to achieve this success due to the highly analytical and research oriented approach.